COVID-19 Office Protocol
This FAQ will help answer questions about the “Stay at Home” order issued for St. Louis County.
During this COVID-19 emergency there are many who are increasingly at risk for violence by an abusive partner. If you or someone you know is at risk please contact one of these resources:
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
Safe Connections: 314-531-2003
ALIVE: 314-993-2777

Support & Info for Victims
Our office is committed to ensuring that all victims are treated with dignity and compassion at every step.
Prosecutor-Led Diversion:
#PLD means directing people away from incarceration and into treatment programs:
“So many of the people who are arrested and then cross the prosecutor’s doorstep struggle with the illness of addiction and quite often have experienced some recent trauma. As prosecutors, it’s our duty to decide what charges to bring against people who are arrested or to not press any charges at all.
Our choice is the biggest factor in whether that person heads to outpatient treatment and group therapy or is locked behind prison bars, still suffering from an untreated medical condition.” - Wesley Bell
#IncreasePublicSafety #DiversionTreatment #BellPlan #SaferStLouis
First 100 Days: Report to the Community
April 11th, 2019

On the 100th Day of Wesley Bell’s administration, he and attorneys from the office presented their accomplishments to the community and discussed next steps for the reforms that support increased public safety and reduced mass incarceration. Members from the community were able to ask questions and hear directly from Wesley and his staff on the critical issues of criminal justice reform.

Reduced the Jail Population by 12%

Created new units targeting most serious offenses

Launched Data Analysis & Transparency Project

Developing & Implementing Data-Driven Policy Reforms
Prosecutor Wesley Bell
Wesley is an advocate for ending mass incarceration, eliminating ‘debtors’ prison’ practices, and rebuilding trust between communities and the prosecutor’s office. As prosecutor, Wesley began implementing reforms on day one; directing more resources to fight violent crime and ensuring victims receive compassion and justice at every step.