Victim Service Division
The Victim Service Division of the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is available to help if you or someone you know has been the victim of a crime. A full range of assistance is offered to crime victims in St. Louis County:
Education and preparation for the steps in the criminal justice system
Information and referral to community resources
Crisis intervention and emotional support
Courtroom escort on criminal proceedings
Information on Crime Victims’ Compensation application
Information on police procedures during an investigation
Transportation, when requested, to court appearances when called upon to testify
Information on restitution on criminal cases
Community education
You can reach the Victim Service Division at 314-615-4872, and an advocate can answer any of your questions.
Victims of crime may be eligible to file a claim with the Crime Victims Compensation program administered through the Department of Public Safety. Application forms are available through our office or can also be found on their website,
A claim may be filed for out-of-pocket expenses only. The following expenses are covered by their program:
Counseling expenses
Funeral expenses
Lost wages or support
Medical expenses
For more information, contact the website listed above, or you may call toll free: 800-347-6881.
In addition to receiving updates from our office, victims can also register for an automated system for notification called MOVANS (Missouri Victim Automated Notification System). To register for this type of program, go to, or call 1-866-566-8267.
Victim Rights
The Crime Victims Constitutional Amendment guarantees that as a crime victim you have the right to:
Be present at all criminal justice proceedings which the defendant attends.
Be informed of and heard at bail hearings, guilty pleas, sentencings, probation revocation and parole hearings.
Be informed of trials and preliminary hearings, status conferences.
Speedy disposition and appellate review of their case.
Reasonable protection from the defendant.
Information about the escape or release of the accused.
Information about the criminal justice process.
*For a complete list of rights, see Section 595.209 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri (RSMO)
Facility Dog - Levi
Levi is an English Labrador Retriever that provides assistance to victims during meetings, depositions, and trial testimony. He is primarily used with child victims of sexual, physical or emotional abuse, but is available to work with any victim or witness who would be comforted by his presence. Levi was donated to the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office by Duo Dogs, Inc.
Duo Dogs, Inc., is a nonprofit organization that trains and connects dogs to people with specific physical, emotional, and social needs, creating a dynamic, life-enhancing duo. Their facility dogs are placed with legal, medical, and educational client’s organizations to provide strength and support when people are facing some of life’s toughest challenges. Levi lives with his primary handler and comes to work every day and is a valued member of the office.
Levi - ready to help! Courthouse facility dogs assist crime victims, witnesses and others during stressful stages of legal proceedings.
Follow Levi on Instagram!
Are you wondering how a case moves through the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney? Click here.
If you would like a brochure about working with the Victim Service Division, click here.