Press Releases & Media Alerts from the Office of the Prosecuting Attorney - St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, 31 Jul 2020 15:43:03 +0000en-USSite-Server v6.0.0-25214-25214 ( Bell Press Conference Investigation for Michael BrownTim SwopeFri, 31 Jul 2020 16:25:49 +0000

Des Peres Sam’s Club IncidentTim SwopeTue, 19 May 2020 19:56:35 +0000
The Des Peres Police Department recently brought our office an application for charges regarding the incident at the Des Peres Sam’s Club, which occurred in late March 2020.  We have initiated an independent investigation into all aspects of the matter.  As in all cases, this investigation will be conducted in a complete and thorough manner and we will allow the facts to take us where they may.

Wesley Bell
St. Louis County Prosecutor

St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell : Corona Virus ProtocolTim SwopeTue, 17 Mar 2020 18:27:33 +0000 Media Release Covid 19 Protocol1024_1.png ]]>Wesley Bell 2020 Budget PresentationTim SwopeFri, 15 Nov 2019 15:56:14 +0000 of Prosecuting Attorney 2020 Budget Proposal.


]]>Wesley Bell 2020 Budget PresentationLetter to Governor Mike Parson from Prosecuting Attorney's OfficeTim SwopeThu, 31 Oct 2019 16:30:00 +0000 Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, Wesley Bell, Letter to Governor Mike Parson

St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Letter to the Governor.jpg
Plea deal reached in 2015 death of Sgt. Peggy VassalloStLCoPa CommunictionsThu, 19 Sep 2019 16:39:04 +0000 LOUIS, MO: Sgt’s Vassallo‘s 25 plus year career as a police officer was the epitome of a life of service; she was dearly loved by her family, department and community and the accident that resulted in her death was a horrible tragedy. Exhaustive investigations were conducted by St. Louis County Police Department and the office of the prosecuting attorney and information generated by these reports showed discrepancies from the initial findings recorded under an assistant prosecuting attorney who left the office prior to the current administration. The investigations included a detailed analysis of cellphone usage by the defendant (who willingly gave her phone to officers at the scene of the accident), as well as an accident reconstruction by an expert (who had been a close friend of Sgt. Vassallo since their time together in the academy). Additional evidence included a Metro Bus video recording of the accident plus witness and responding officer statements about the extreme glare of the sun surrounding the time of the accident. 


☐7:50 AM - Victim Sgt. Vassallo was driving her personal vehicle to work and crashed into a vehicle stopped at a red light because the glare from the sun was extreme and Sgt. Vassallo did not see the stopped vehicle. 

☐Victim Sgt. Vassallo left her vehicle and approached the right passenger side of the vehicle she hit to check on the driver. She was on her phone reporting the accident to dispatch and noting the sun’s glare as the cause of her accident. A Metro Bus video shows the Victim take 3-4 steps away from the vehicle and into the center of the right hand turn lane as the vehicle driven by defendant Ms. Waites approaches the scene of the original accident. 

☐7:57:57 AM - Victim was struck by defendant’s vehicle where she is standing in the center of the right turn lane and the impact knocked her 81.9 feet away from the scene of the accident. 

☐According to the Accident Reconstruction Expert, the defendant did not see victim. Defendant was traveling 36 miles per hour; 9 miles under the posted 45 MPH speed limit. There were no skid marks before the point of impact. The report concludes that defendant had changed lanes to avoid the stopped vehicles, never saw the victim and that there was no evidence of negligent or aberrant driving by the defendant.

☐7:58:21 AM - Defendant calls 911 to report the accident (21 seconds after moment of impact). 

☐Sun glare was documented by 3 officers at the scene and a photo was taken about 1 hour after the fatal crash which still showed glare. 

☐Analysis of defendant’s cellphone usage shows that defendant was not on her phone at the time of the accident  and her last phone usage occurred 3 minutes and 43 seconds prior to the accident when she would have been an estimated two miles away from the scene. 

☐Defendant Ms. Waites was very upset but cooperative; she voluntarily gave her cell phone to officers for examination, she voluntarily submitted to drug and alcohol tests which were negative. She has no criminal history and repeatedly stated that she never saw the victim because of the glare of the sun. 

☐A probable cause stating that the defendant was distracted by her phone at the time of the accident was inaccurate. 

Prosecutor Bell Statement to the Community on Officer Involved ShootingStLCoPa CommunictionsTue, 03 Sep 2019 16:57:45 +0000“I want to share an update, directly with the community, on the officer-involved-shooting of Terry Tillman that happened near the Galleria mall this past Saturday. In tragic cases like these, it is important to understand that the need to inform the public has to be balanced with ensuring the integrity of the investigation. Members of my team and I were at the scene Saturday afternoon and continue to monitor the investigation. We are receiving constant updates; and I am confident that everything that needs to be done is being done. 

I am fully aware of how sensitive this issue is and I want to assure all residents a thorough and detailed investigation is being conducted. I ask for patience as this process unfolds and I will update the community as more information becomes available.” - Wesley Bell

Second Person Charged in Murder of Officer Michael LangsdorfStLCoPa CommunictionsTue, 02 Jul 2019 21:25:16 +0000 Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell today charged Kawyn Smith with one count of murder in the second degree. The Probable Cause Statement and Complaint are available for download by clicking below:

Probable Cause Kawyn Smith

Complaint Kawyn Smith

There is no further information available at this time.

WESLEY BELL ESTABLISHES CONVICTION & INCIDENT REVIEW UNITStLCoPa CommunictionsTue, 25 Jun 2019 13:53:01 +0000 LOUIS COUNTY, MO: In accordance with his commitments to transparency, accountability and maintaining the public trust in the office of the prosecuting attorney, Wesley Bell announced today the creation of a Conviction and Incident Review Unit (CIRU). The CIRU will:

  • Stand as its own unit, independent from the rest of the office;

  • Answer solely to Wesley Bell;

  • Employ a director pursuant to a national search for the most qualified individual;

  • Review cases involving substantiated claims of wrongful prosecution/conviction;

  • Review all matters relating to police officer-involved shootings and alleged police

    misconduct; and

  • Further the commitment to justice, ethics, integrity, and protection of the innocent.

In the past 30 years, this country has exonerated 2,446 people wrongfully convicted. Missouri accounts for 50 of those exonerations. However, these individuals spent a combined total of 523 years incarcerated for crimes they did not commit. With the creation of the CIRU, the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office joins more than 30 similarly situated counterparts nationwide in using data-driven methods to establish best practices that vigorously uphold prosecutorial ethics.

“The obligation of every prosecutor is to pursue justice, an obligation that cannot be met if the public lacks confidence in the integrity of criminal convictions,” said prosecutor Bell. “From the data we know wrongful convictions happen all over the country, which is why it’s imperative to critically review cases where credible challenges are raised. To that end, this office will employ every measure available not only to prosecute crimes and assist victims, but also to correct injustice by safeguarding the integrity of all convictions.”

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Prosecutors Compiling ‘Best Practice’ Recommendations for Justice Center After Investigation of Evidence in Recent Jail Deaths Results in No Criminal ChargesPress ReleaseStLCoPa CommunictionsThu, 23 May 2019 21:09:40 +0000 LOUIS COUNTY, MO – The Prosecuting Attorney’s investigations into two recent deaths at the St. Louis County Justice Center have concluded and no criminal charges will be issued in either case at this time. This determination is made after an exhaustive review of the existing evidence. The circumstances involving Mr. Shy and Mr. Catchings are tragic and deeply troubling. However, the evidence does not rise to the level of issuing criminal charges.

Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell and his staff have met with the families of both deceased individuals to discuss the facts and findings as they relate to each case and to hear their concerns. “I extend my deepest sympathies to the families and loved ones of Mr. Shy and Mr. Catchings. These deaths are tragic and the circumstances surrounding them abhorrent. However, neither the facts nor evidence presented to my office rise to the level of bringing a criminal charge based on proof beyond a reasonable doubt that anyone is guilty of criminal neglect. That said, my office is compiling Recommendations of Best Practices based on the facts and patterns we learned from these investigations to do our part to make sure a tragedy like this does not occur in the future. These recommendations will be made public once completed. We anticipate that one such recommendation will relate to lowering jail population limits and increased staffing qualified to deal with situations involving serious medication condition(s).”

Mr. Shy died on the evening of February 23rd, 2019. Earlier that morning he had been taken to St. Mary’s Hospital on two separate occasions and, each time, released by the hospital back to the custody of Justice Services. During the course of the day, numerous individuals interacted with Mr. Shy. The Medical Examiner determined Mr. Shy’s cause of death to be gastrointestinal hemorrhage. The Medical Examiner did not find evidence

for prosecutors to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Shy died as a result of medical neglect. Mr. Shy had been incarcerated at the Justice Center since February 14th, 2019 on a probation violation warrant related to a felony drug case.

Mr. Catchings’ death occurred on the evening of February 28th, 2019. He was incarcerated at the Justice Center for the previous 10 months after being arrested on April 17th, 2018, accused of assault in the first degree. The evidence shows Mr. Catchings did not report any medical problems until February 18th, 2019, at which time his condition deteriorated rapidly over the next 10 days. The evidence indicates that, at times, Mr. Catchings complained to jail staff as to his condition. At the same time, the evidence shows Mr. Catchings also informed jail staff and prisoners that he felt “fine.” The Medical Examiner listed the immediate cause of death as acute leukemia, more specifically “probable” acute promyelocytic leukemia. There is no indication that anyone at the Justice Center was aware of the severity of Mr. Catchings’ medical condition.

We are charged with following the law and prosecuting crimes based on wherever the fact and evidence may lead. In these two terrible cases, the evidence does not support our office issuing any criminal charge.

Ladue Schnucks' Incident of April 23, 2019StLCoPa CommunictionsFri, 26 Apr 2019 16:50:32 +0000 <For Immediate Release>

ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO: The St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorneys’ Office continues to monitor the ongoing investigation. We anticipate the investigation will conclude next week, at that time we will have additional statements related to this incident. In the meantime, we will continue to support the St. Louis County Police Department’s investigation.

Ladue Schnucks' Incident of April 23, 2019
BELL “FOCUSED ON MAKING ST. LOUIS SAFER, ONE PARTNERSHIP AT A TIME”StLCoPa CommunictionsWed, 20 Mar 2019 16:01:45 +0000 Immediate Release: December 12th, 2018

ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MO — Wesley Bell’s Transition Team has been working since August 8th, 2018 to ensure the successful transition of the St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Office. Chaired by the Hon. Michael A. Wolff and comprised of experts and leaders from diverse fields, the Transition Team has focused on building partnerships and drafting policy. Extensive research has been undertaken to translate campaign promises into policies that improve the safety of St. Louis County from day one.

Mr. Bell is committed to bringing together stakeholders from across the region who are integral to the success of criminal justice reform. The team has met with law enforcement, health care providers and community groups. He has also met with local officials, clergy and members of the legal community to cement strong working relationships. Mr. Bell has taken the opportunity to meet with District Attorney’s from across the country to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges they faced when taking office.

Mr. Bell gave explicit instructions to ‘think outside the box’ when looking at ways to expand diversion programs for substance abuse and mental health. As a result of this innovative approach is a coalition of healthcare stakeholders that are making strong progress to find the funding necessary to scale up treatment resources for individuals committed to improving their lives.

Mr. Bell and his team have met with law enforcement from a majority of St. Louis County municipalities. Hearing what police officers view as necessary improvements in their daily work with the prosecutor’s office has been informative and will be integral to rebuilding trust in our justice system. The team has identified numerous ways in which procedures can be updated to improve working relationships between police and prosecutors. Equally critical to the success of Mr. Bell’s office is the involvement of community and faith-based stakeholders who have been working tirelessly for criminal justice reform in the St. Louis region. Bringing all stakeholders to the table and ensuring that all voices are heard will remain a priority of Mr. Bell throughout his service as St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney.
